Embark on a journey of discovery as we delve into some fascinating facts about Mexico, revealing the unique wonders and achievements that make this country truly remarkable.
1. The World's…
About AIJA
Since 1962 AIJA provides outstanding international opportunities for young lawyers to network, learn and develop. AIJA currently has 4,000 members and supporters in 100+ different countries, including over…
Mexico is a federal republic, meaning that it is divided into 31 states and a federal district (now Mexico City), each with its own government structure and powers.
Imagine slicing through the dense morning fog that blankets the ancient canals of Xochimilco, aboard a lavishly adorned trajinera. Picture yourself wandering the cobblestone streets of Coyoacán, beneath the emerald-green…
Imagine stepping foot into a city so vibrant, alive, and teeming with culture that it pulsates with a rhythm of its own. This is Mexico City. A city that seamlessly…